CoolPall™ Flex is our range of high-performance bulk shippers, available in ISO and EURO footprints. CoolPall™ Flex is highly customizable, allowing life sciences organizations to tailor their cold chain bulk shipper to specific shipping lanes or performance requirements, to achieve the optimal thermal protection at lowest overall cost.
CoolPall™ Flex Advance temperature controlled bulk shipper comprises polystyrene and full VIP (vacuum insulated panel) insulation surrounding the payload space (base, side panels and lid) together with PCM (phase change material) coolants in single or double configurations for premium performance, in 3 different sizes (narrow bodied aircraft, half height and full height).
NBA (ナローボディボディ型航空機) 717mmの高さ
HH (ハーフハイト) 1110mmの高さ
FH (フルハイト) 1501mmの高さ
CoolPall™ Flex コンフィギュレーション
CoolPall™ Flex Water
CoolPall™ Flex PCM
CoolPall™ Flex Advance
蓄熱材PCMと断熱材はEPS / VIP。ISTA7D温度検証
ISOおよび EUROパレット規格